Five Iveco LNGs for the Trans Isole company were delivered today at the company yard in Angri (SA), in the presence of Michele Spighetto, owner of the company, Mihai Daderlat, Iveco Business Manager of the Italian Market and Matteo Gennari, Director of Mecar , the local dealer that follows the customer and supported him in his purchase.
The delivered Stralis were ordered at the end of 2018 and follow a previous supply of seven other liquefied natural gas (LNG) trucks and will be used to manage the various transport activities of the company, from the intermodal to national and international.
The choice to purchase Iveco vehicles on LNG reflects the decision of Trans Isole towards in favour of the environment and responds to the need to manage a performing, flexible and sustainable fleet that can bring an advantage both in ecological terms and in terms of management costs .
The Stralis 460 NP, elected "Sustainable Truck of the Year 2019", is the ideal vehicle to satisfy and meet the needs of the Salerno company; offers the reliability and performance of its Diesel equivalent, with an environmentally friendly technology that uses natural gas for its power supply, designed to determine a significant reduction in both consumption and pollution - with 90% less NOx, 99% less PM and, if biomethane is used, 95% less CO2.
The Stralis LNG represent a suitable solution for long distances, as they have 1,600 km range with the 540 liter double tanks, but they also prove to be a privileged category throughout Europe, since they can meet requirements of Governments and Institutions of many Countries, demanding increasingly eco-sustainable transport through restrictive measures and penalties for the most polluting units.