Iveco wins tender in Karlovy Vary, for delivery of up to 19 CNG buses

The Karlovy Vary transport company (DPKV) will only be carrying low-floor buses from April. It will receive delivery of up to 19 Iveco buses from Zliner (IVECO dealer), which won a public tender for CZK 130 million (5.8 million USD).

The new buses will be air-conditioned, and passengers will also have USB sockets for recharging small electronics and wifi connections. DPKV under the framework contract can buy 8 twelve-meter urban buses Iveco Urbanway and 2 eighteen-meter Urbanway and up to 9 Iveco Crossway Low Entry buses. According to the DPKV plan, a total of 14 units should be delivered next year, another five in 2020.

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