MAN Energy Solutions presents Dual-Fuel LPG Engine

MAN Energy Solutions has revealed its latest dual-fuel MAN B&W ME-LGIP two-stroke engine type,  designed for LPG running, at a ceremony in Copenhagen.

Thomas Knudsen, Head of the Two-Stroke business unit said: “The ME-LGIP builds on the success we have had with our ME-GI and ME-LGI dual-fuel engines, which have won over 250 orders since their introduction to the market.

LPG is another gaseous fuel that will inevitably come into the basket of fuels that are being adopted in response to the IMO Sulphur cap coming into effect on January 1, 2020. LPG, just as LNG, is sulphur free, has widespread availability and is easy to bunker. 

Bjarne Foldager, ‎Vice President Sales & Promotion – Two-Stroke business unit said: ”The ME-LGIP can also burn liquid volatile organic compounds, a deliberate move on our part since the IMO will inevitably turn its focus towards the reduction of volatile organic compounds in the future. Accordingly, we view the ME-LGIP as also ideally suited to the propulsion of shuttle tankers and very large crude carriers.” The engine also has the ability to handle low-sulphur/low-flashpoint fuel types: methanol, ethanol, LPG, and dimethyl ether (DME).

Source and photo: MAN

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