Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossano , historic Tuscan company in the transport of foodstuffs, has decided to continue its sustainability growth with the purchase of new Scania natural gas vehicles (LNG) , as well as efficient driving courses for its drivers . The company thus consolidates the partnership with the Swedish brand, arriving to have a fleet entirely composed of 'Scanias'.
Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossano, a company in line with the times
The company was founded in 1968 at the behest of Rossano Pistoresi who, always a great lover of trucks , decided to combine his passion with the great desire to work by buying a first vehicle for paper and cardboard transport in local paper mills. Rossano Pistoresi, however, had much more important ambitions and soon decided to devote himself to transporting foodstuffs, fresh and frozen products, increasing step by step his fleet and becoming a reference for temperature-controlled transport .
Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossanoè is now ready to take an important step in the journey towards sustainable transport, with the choice of the new Scania natural gas vehicles (LNG), designed for long distance missions thanks to performance comparable to a diesel engine of equal power. The new vehicles equipped with 13 liter engines , 410 horsepower and 2000 Nm torque guarantee a 15% reduction in CO 2 emissions with the use of fossil methane. Pistoresi Rossano's commitment to sustainability, however, does not stop there: the company offered its drivers the opportunity to participate in the Scania Driver Training program., so as to enable them to learn a style of driving more attentive to consumption and respectful of the environment.
"I started from scratch with only one vehicle, year after year our reality has grown up to today, we boast a fleet of latest generation vehicles, now further enriched by the new methane vehicles - Rossano Pistoresi , owner and founder of the company Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossano - We have chosen the path of sustainability because we believe it is our responsibility to create a transport system that is more environmentally friendly. The new vehicles also allow us to respond to the demands of an increasingly demanding and careful client to issues related to sustainability.
Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossano chooses Scania LNG
"More and more transport companies have understood the opportunities dictated by the choice of vehicles with low environmental impact - said Franco Fenoglio , President and CEO of Italscania -Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossano is a reality of great excellence that has understood the importance of renewing its fleet with methane vehicles, which will allow it to better respond to the transport needs of large retailers ".
"Autotrasporti Pistoresi Rossano is much more than a customer for our dealership, thanks to these new vehicles the company of Rossano can count on a fleet entirely Scania. A reason of great pride for us! - highlighted Paolo Benedetti of Toscandia - We are supporting this extraordinary reality in this process of constant growth, I am sure that the new vehicles will lead this prestigious reality towards new ambitious goals ".