Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg opened the world’s largest liquefied biogas plant at Skogn

On Sunday afternoon, the Prime Minister opened the new biogas plant at Skogn. The factory is the largest of its kind.
The environmentally friendly and climate-neutral fuel will be used to replace fossil fuels in buses and heavy transport in Norway, and this will make a significant contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian transport sector.
In this Biokraft plant the raw materials for biogas production are waste and by-products from industry, including fish farming and Norske Skog Skogn, a pulp mill and paper mill.
Facts about Biokraft Skogn:
  • 25 million Nm 3 annually (First year 12.5 million Nm 3 )

  • It also produces renewable environmentally friendly biogas

  • In CO 2 equivalents this corresponds to 60 000 tonnes annually, which equals 25 000 diesel cars

  • Replaces 25 million liters of fossil autodiesel in the transport sector

  • Enough to fuel 300 trucks at zero CO2 impact, actually with a negative CO2 balance of -135%.

 Pierre Lahutte, Iveco Brand President, was part of this important ceremony, where IVECO trucks were showcased as well. IVECO is a global leader in gas fuelled trucks and buses.

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